Past Due - 2023 Content Plan
It has been an atrociously long time since I posted on my blog and I wanted to get things rebooted for 2023. Trips to Thailand, my company getting acquired and other life events (excuses) seemed to prevent a post here and there, but nevertheless I'm back.
There's a ton of great gaming content going on for 2023. I've recently been getting back into old Warhammer 40k 2e, and it has been a wonderful way to reconnect with my 90's childhood. Additionally Battletech will feature prominently in articles in 2023, as that game is experiencing a genuine renaissance at the moment. Finally, we'll continue articles related to tabletop roleplaying, fiction and other musings that occupy my free time, so stay tuned and welcome to the Year of the Goblin.
Some upcoming posts scheduled for late Jan / early Feb:
40k 2e Painting Journal Vol 1 - Blood Angels Space Marines
Battletech: A Game of Armored Combat review
Advanced Squad Leader : Kampfgruppe Peiper I scenario report